Can we let our Pension Minister get on with the job?

I am very sorry to hear that our current pension minister is under investigation for  spending tax-payer’s money on the promotion of his party in his Blackpool North constituency.

The proper business of Government is governance and we had hoped Paul Maynard would have a clear run through to the end of this parliamentary term (e.g. this year). It would have been good for pensions.

The BBC has spoken to . the Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader, Daisy Cooper MP, who called on Rishi Sunak to suspend Paul Maynard as a minister and suspend the party whip while “these extremely serious allegations” were investigated.

This might help further destabilise the Conservative party but it wouldn’t help the country.

The town of Blackpool has enough problems as it is. It is socially deprived and has one of the lowest life expectancies per capita of anywhere in Britain. It needs a minister of state for pensions too.

And , for heaven’s sake, lets think of Paul Maynard who I have met and know to be a decent man, someone who has battled against a lifelong aliment (cerebral palsy) all his life and one who is liked by everyone I talk to in parliament. It would be possible to think Paul Maynard has got things wrong but I find it hard to think overspending on printed leaflets advertising what his party was doing, prevents him carrying out his duties.

You can read the story in the Times or follow it on social media _with the attendant comments.

There comes a point where an already dysfunctional Government becomes paralysed. 2024 is already shaping up to being a year when in policy terms – very little gets done.

But it could be a year when the DWP and HMT at least clear the way for the private sector to re-establish the pension in workplace pensions, drive forward on VFM for consumers and put to rights , some of the dark issues of the past ten years – including restitution for the steelworkers.

What appears to be local constituency incompetence is now threatening us with yet another ministerial change, Blackpool with a second by-election and the DWP with more demoralising turmoil.

I hope that this matter can be resolved sensibly and quickly so that Paul Maynard can do with the little time left in this parliament, something to make matters better. I can see no sense in a by-election with a general election around the corner and I see good reason to embrace our current pension minister in 2024.

Can we please put pensions above politics and allow Paul Maynard to get things done?

About henry tapper

Founder of the Pension PlayPen,, partner of Stella, father of Olly . I am the Pension Plowman
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3 Responses to Can we let our Pension Minister get on with the job?

  1. John Mather says:

    It seems to be that regulation punishes simple mistakes but misses the elephant in the room

  2. conkeating says:

    Henry: Would this behaviour pass a ‘fit and proper’ test?

  3. Brian G says:

    Don’t be so tone deaf Henry. If he is not guilty then fine. But if he is then it is yet another example of the Tories not playing by the rules. The best way to have stability and continuity is to have a general election and kick the most corrupt government of all time out. Just because he seems a nice man to you , doesn’t absolve Mr Maynard from having to play by the rules.

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