A way to talk to your staff about pensions


This letter can be found on the Government’s new “get to know your pension” website. If you have staff , then you may want to send them this letter – top and tailed of course!

Oddly, the recommended version does not include mention of people in their 20’s (I’ve added this in).

Get to know #YourPension

You may think retirement is years away, but it comes around sooner than you think! It’s never too late to start saving and there are lots of simple things you can do to put yourself in the best position. Whether you’re in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s or 50’s it’s worth reading our 7 step guide to retirement planning.

1) Have you kept track on how many pension schemes you have paid into? Currently there is over £400 million in unclaimed pensions saving in the UK and on average we have 11 jobs in a life time, so it’s important not to lose track.

If you don’t have paperwork or contact details for a previous pension scheme or employer, then the Pension Tracing Service may be able to help.

2) Another good starting point is to see what you might get from the State Pension when you reach State Pension age.

It’s easy to Check Your State Pension online. You can get an estimate of how much you should get and what age you should be able to receive it.

3) If you’re already enrolled in a workplace pension, then you’re already ahead of the game. As when you pay in, your boss does too.

Saving into a workplace pension, especially starting early on in your career, can boost your savings – money put into a pension before you’re 40 will benefit from decades of interest before you’ll need it. Let the money do all the work ‘you work your pension works’.

But keep thinking about whether you can put more away. Increasing the amount you save means more money when you retire. And even better, many employers are willing to increase their contribution into your workplace pension, if you decide to pay more yourself.

4) If you are thinking about starting a pension but not sure where to begin, visit The Pensions Advisory Service and get some free guidance. They will be able to help you plan for your retirement and get you heading in the right direction. And don’t forget the Money Advice Service – they can also help with all things financial.

5) Always be wary of scammers when making changes to your private pension. Don’t let someone undo all your hard work by getting you to invest in ‘amazing’ deals which don’t live up to what’s offered.

If someone calls you up and tells you about a deal which is too good to be true, don’t be rushed and do your research, such as checking up whether a firm is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. It’s much better to be safe than sorry.

6) If you’re 55 or over then you now have lots of options about your Pension Pot – income, lump sums or annuities. Best to contact Pension Wise to book an appointment for free and impartial guidance about your defined contribution options.

7) And finally you’re not forced to retire just because you reach pension age. If you want to change your hours or working pattern, then you also have the legal right to ask.

If you want to continue working think about whether to delay taking your state pension, which could help to boost your retirement income.

About henry tapper

Founder of the Pension PlayPen,, partner of Stella, father of Olly . I am the Pension Plowman
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2 Responses to A way to talk to your staff about pensions

  1. kate upcraft says:

    I just wish the other letter on this new website from the regulator about the level of contributions this April was accurate. As ever it says that staff now pay 3%, but they don’t have to as long as the total is 5% or more and lots of employers offer non-contributory schemes now – it’s called salary sacrifice! I was one of the lucky ones of course to be in a real non-contributory DB back in the 80s and for that, M&S, I will always be grateful as I could now take that pension having reached the grand old age of 55

  2. henry tapper says:

    55? A few years off – surely! I noted your disapproval on social media Kate – but did not locate the other letter – this one made sense

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