What is the IFS up to on pensions? Pension PlayPen – Today 10.30

The IFS’ Pension Review may not be the second pensions commission but it is likely to span two Governments and is the nearest thing we will have in the next five years to a comprehensive reappraisal on how we organize the nation’s retirement finances.

The Institute of Fiscal Studies is starting out and Carl Emmerson, one of the drivers of this project, will be explaining to members of Pension PlayPen the work it intends to do and the impact the IFS expects the report to have.

This is yet another humdinger of a session which you should not miss. Do not block 10.30am out of your diary today for any other reason than to listen to Carl!

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About henry tapper

Founder of the Pension PlayPen,, partner of Stella, father of Olly . I am the Pension Plowman
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