Rodney Bewes


Rodney Bewes died yesterday aged 79.

We last saw him, with a friend on the river at Goring in September, he had cancer but he was still enjoying his boat Cera, in the company of a friend.

Like Matthew Pinsent, I can see Rodney in Maurice – clapping each Henley crew as it came by.

Everyone on the river will miss him. I hope that he is with Daphne now. Our thoughts are with Joe, Tom, Daisy and Billy.

joe tom and Billy


About henry tapper

Founder of the Pension PlayPen,, partner of Stella, father of Olly . I am the Pension Plowman
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3 Responses to Rodney Bewes

  1. Adrian Furnell says:

    It would be nice if James Bolam went to the funeral despite their differences during his life.

  2. George Kirrin says:

    Did you mean to forget Daisy Bewes, Henry? You only mention the triplets.

    • henry tapper says:

      Correction made, Daisy was the tomboy pictured! Rodney was very proud of his self-sufficient daughter who drove all manner of heavy vehicles – thanks for reminding me George – sorry Daisy!

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