Not so grumpy anymore!


choir outside the chapel



I am not suffering from the Novo Virus, I have the shits (thanks to several readers but my life is not in danger)! Infact I went to church this morning but didn’t take communion (I was sorry to hear that Robbie Williams now uses hand-sanitizer after touching his fans)

Going to church was a great pleasure. Even in my evangelical days as a teenager, I never looked forward to church but I do enjoy going to the Wesleyan Chapel in the City Road. It is a sort of Passion PlayPen, where deep wisdom and playful banter are juxtaposed like a housing project in the middle of Eaton Square!

At the end of the service, our minister Lesley Griffiths wasn’t satisfied with a handshake but took me in his arms and hugged me. I was gobsmacked! How did he know that I wanted a hug? I was so delighted that I nearly danced my way back across the City to Blackfriars.

I hadn’t mentioned being ill  – I hope I haven’t made anybody ill – especially Lesley. But going to Church has cured me of my grumpiness!

I don’t suggest that we  disband the NHS – but the  there is a consolation in congregation that I’d recommend to medical science. I am not talking about faith healing, I’m remarking on  the change that going to church makes in me!

There’s a lot of guff talked about Wellness. I regard myself as a wellness connoisseur not having a day off sick since 2004. People should spend more time in church, at least more time in the kind of church that you find in the City Road!


Wesley’s Chapel


So I’m not grumpy , the church was full and if you want to sort out your mental, spiritual or physical wellness , I suggest you put 11am next Sunday in your diary!

Halle -flippin – luljah!


Leslie Griffiths

About henry tapper

Founder of the Pension PlayPen,, partner of Stella, father of Olly . I am the Pension Plowman
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