How AS Robins helps its clients to choose workplace pensions.

as robins


AS Robbins is the winner  of the Payroll World 2015 Auto Enrolment Engagement Award.

We asked Liz Robbins, managing partner, some questions.


  • What auto-enrolment services are you providing to your clients?


  1. I am helping my clients with a full solution for AE, using the PPP makes this a complete full solution.
  • Why do you use Pension PlayPen?


  1. It helps my clients choose the right pension for them, instead using advice from the man in the pub – which does not sit well with anyone! It is an extremely easy and cost-effective way in which to get a detailed overview of the pension marketplace
  • How have your clients reacted to Pension PlayPen as part of your service?       4. How is Pension PlayPen benefiting you and your clients?  


  1. It is effectively a “one-stop-shop” from a due diligence perspective.  Clients                             have available to them all relevant (and in my view, entirely invaluable) reports needed to make an informed decision about their future (‘How to Choose your Pension’, ‘Scrutiny Report’, etc.).  My clients benefit from this service, and I benefit by having it as part of my armoury!
  2. They think it is a brilliant service as it offers such a comprehensive menu, and they are of course happy that it’s not costing an arm and a leg!
  • How did you hear about Pension PlayPen?

I had the good fortune to meet with Henry Tapper at a Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals Friends of AE meeting.  The rest as they say… is history.


Liz Robins

Liz Robins

About henry tapper

Founder of the Pension PlayPen,, partner of Stella, father of Olly . I am the Pension Plowman
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